A one-year cost-effective proven course that enriches your curriculum.

The Inspiration Programme provides everything to inspire and broaden students’ horizons within a single academic year, whatever their starting point.

Headteacher Simon Jones of The Cottesloe School has experienced its impact first-hand: “What The Inspiration Programme does is bring a variety of people into the school who are experts in their fields which provides a real richness in the curriculum which we simply can’t provide. Young people benefit greatly.”

What does The Inspiration Programme cost?

Suitable for all abilities and aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks, The Inspiration Programme offers an opportunity to add value to every student at just £2.10 per session.

The 30-session programme is available for 2 classes of up to 30 students in years 9 to 13, (up to 60 students in total), for an annual cost of £3,780. This includes all content, resources, training and support for your delivery team provided by Action4Youth.

If you are interested in releasing staff time, the Programme can be delivered by Action4Youth’s experienced team for an additional charge, providing a different cost-effective alternative.

Educationalist Dame Ann Limb believes the Programme is essential in today’s world for every school: “The Inspiration Programme gives young people an opportunity to get ready for the world of work, to acquire the hard and soft skills that give an advantage in getting a job. It’s about employability. The Inspiration Programme focusses on developing those life skills.”

The low cost of provision is designed by the youth charity, to make the Programme accessible to benefit all. With a focus on experiential learning the carefully designed course has been seen to re-engage the disengaged, to focus academic high-fliers, and encourage those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Contact us via the Early Bird Offer Form to arrange for your students to benefit from The Inspiration Programme.

What is included with The Inspiration Programme?

The entire Inspiration Programme for up to 60 students
Session plans, schemes of work, and all supporting materials for 30 sessions
Access to The Inspiration Programme app for 2 users for 12 months
2 teacher training sessions for your team to understand the Programme and how to deliver it
Ongoing support and visits from Action4Youth staff
Certification for all students satisfactorily completing The Inspiration Programme

Full course of 30 sessions for up to 60 year 9-13 students in 2 classes at just £2.10 per session = £3,780 p.a.

Ask Harry

If you’re a teacher and interested in the Inspiration Programme and would like to know more, you can book a call with Harry Evans, Action4Youth Business Development Manager.

Please select either a 30-minute quick telephone call or a 1-hour video call and schedule your meeting with Harry.  

Benefits of The Inspiration Programme

Talk to us about filling the gap in delivery within your school's career experience and enrichment activities

Please contact Emily Davis, Programmes Director on 0300 003 2334 or email [email protected]
Alternatively, enter your contact details below to register your interest and we’ll contact you.

Real Stories

Real stories and contributions from young people, parents, staff, members and partners – inspiring young people to become inspiring young people. | All Stories

Have a few questions and want quick answers?

The programme costs £2.10 per session per student, with a total annual cost of £3,780 for up to 60 students across two classes in years 9 to 13. This fee includes all necessary content, resources, training, and support for the school’s delivery team.
The programme provides session plans, schemes of work, all supporting materials for 30 sessions, access to The Inspiration Programme app for two users for 12 months, two teacher training sessions, ongoing support and certification for students who complete the programme satisfactorily.
Schools have the flexibility to deliver the programme using their own staff with provided training and resources from Action4Youth. Alternatively, for an additional charge, Action4Youth’s experienced team can deliver the programme, freeing up school staff time.
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